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Free Craft & Creativity Quote Printables From Duality!

Free Craft & Creativity Quote Printables From Duality!

Celebrate your "inner craftaholic" with these adorable free printable craft quotes to encourage and inspire your creativity! Scroll down to read more and to download the prints for free!

We're so excited to share these exclusive hand-lettered printable downloads, thanks to a very creative duo we'd like to introduce to you! Kyla and Katie Beals are not only sister-in-laws but a part of the "Plaid family's" design team. With their newly launched Etsy shop Duality, these two radiate grace, enthusiasm and unbelievable creativity. 

Kyla is a Product Designer at Plaid, designing everything from stencils to paintbrushes, and Katie worked as a freelance Project Designer over the summer - they're the perfect pair to motivate us and remind us to listen to our "art!"
We know you'll be just as inspired by these makers are we are - read on to learn more about their story!

Tell us about more about your Etsy shop: 
Duality is a shop where you can find on-trend home decor accessories to bring style into any space. We sell hand-lettered and hand-painted art as well as colorful wall weavings. We love bright colors, metallics, and encouraging quotes to brighten any space and any day! 

How did you get started?
The shop has kinda been a dream of ours for a while. This past summer, we decided to exhibit at a craft fair together. We did really well, and it was the kick in the toosh we needed to start our own shop! 

What are some of your favorite ways to use Plaid products? 
Katie uses loads of different techniques with Plaid paints like FolkArt to create awesome backgrounds for her art. The weavings Kyla creates are all yarn, and she loves to paint the dowel or branches used to hang the weavings on to add interest and a little "pop" to each piece! 

Kyla, how long have you been a crafter? 
I’ve been crafting for as long as I can remember - sewing, cross-stitch, crochet, jewelry-making, scrapbooking, or renovating some Goodwill treasure! My mom is an avid crafter and influence; as I was growing up, we would always work on projects together.

What about you, Katie? 
My mom tells me I’ve been crafting since I was four, but I’ve been doing hand-lettering for the last couple of years.

For all the DIYers out there that have thought about starting an Etsy shop, what advice would you share with them? 
Do your research! Start small, only offer a few types of items, or just one type of item. The Etsy world can be a little overwhelming so start slow, and ease into it. 

Download these fun printables to adorn your craft room or wherever you need a pretty punch of inspiration, and check out Duality on Etsy and Instagram

Craftiness Is Happiness

Listen to Your Art

Eat. Sleep. Craft. Repeat. 

Share your free printables with the DIYers in your life, and let us know which one is your fave quote in the comments! 

Posted: 9/10/2015 12:09:00 PM by LEAP | with 0 comments
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