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6 Donut Crazed DIYs

6 Donut Crazed DIYs

"Donut" you want me, baby? Aside from loving to eat donuts around Plaid, we've also noticed that there's a massive donut trend that doesn't stop at the edible kind. We rounded up six fresh donut DIYs to share with you today! 

Donuts, decora style! These hairpins are calorie-free but packed full o'fun! Minted Strawberry shows you how to make these cutie pins using Mod Podge Collage Clay

These adorable free printables give us a bit of a sugar high. Go to Oh Happy Day and see how you can use them as gift toppers, party favors and more! 

Rose colored glasses... so passé! These Studio DIY donut peepers are a unique way to shield the sun. 

Henry Happened gives drinks a genius place to prop with a donut coaster DIY.

Another awesome free printable, Minieco's low-carb take on the humble donut is sure to brighten anyone's day. 

Can you guess what these mini-donut sprinkles are made of? Cheerios! Made by the ever creative Studio DIY, we love this as a cake or cupcake topper! 

Got any other donut-inspired DIYs? Share 'em with us below! 

Posted: 7/31/2014 10:07:00 AM by LEAP | with 0 comments
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